Good morning! I’m waiting for my grocery order to be ready to be picked up!   Have a wonderful Wednesday and be well!💜☕💜


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16 thoughts on “HALFWAY THERE!☕☕

  1. Good Morning Susan. I love Wednesday, it is my day without school. I will be taking Krista to chemo, hoping to do some yardwork, my sister is popping over for a very quick visit and to dig up a rhubarb plant to transplant, heading to my rental house to meet someone who hopefully do some repairs so I can list and sell and then…….. I hope you have a less busy day than I have planned. 😀☕📚💞🌞

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    1. Good morning Carla! Happy Wednesday! You have a very busy day planned! I’ve got nothing except my big grocery order. We are going to Olive Garden for dinner! Our first time eating out in over a year!😱 Have a lovely and productive day and be well my friend!📚🌞🤗☕💕

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      1. Enjoy your dinner out, I can’t wait to do that again, but our restaurants are closed again. I did go out Labour Day weekend when they were open but that’s the last time. 💞👩‍🍳🍱

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  2. Look how early I am! 32 mins after you posted! A new note for the diary 😂 I had to work for a few hours this morning but now I’m free as a bird! Have a great day (and all your shopping is there!!) ☕📚❤

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    1. Wait! What? Who are you and why are you commenting so early?😂😂😂 I hope you have a lovely rest of your day and drink lots of coffee!!☕☕📚🌞💕🤗


  3. Good morning, Susan! I began my day with a positive bowl of oatmeal, then did some Bible studying. And, now I have all day to read. Enjoy the Olive Garden📚☕🤗

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    1. Good morning Michelle! I love.oatmeal!! Do you like grits as well?I’m trying to acquire a taste for them but its been slow!😂 I’m so excited to go out to eat. We haven’t been in so long! I’m going to have eggplant parmesan because I never make it at home as my family won’t eat it!🤔 Have an awesome day my friend and enjoy your reading!🤗🌞📚☕🌻❤

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  4. Good morning Susan. The caregiver problem is large, they are not coming. The last two days have been really hard emotionly. I had a good sleep last night, but exhaust today. I have been reading a lot. I found a new series that I like by Catie Murphy she has been writing romance. The series is the Dublin Driver series. The first one is DEAD IN DUBLIN is very good. The cover of the next which I have started DEATH ON THE GREEN. A new out is due later this year. I new to see if I can write posts on the books I read. Enjoy the Olive Garden and have a wonderful day.

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    1. Good afternoon Betty! I’m sorry to hear you haven’t had a caregiver! Is there someone You can call to get some help? Can’t the facility where you live help you? Your new series sounds awesome and I’m going to check it out. Have an awesome day and night, try not to stress out too much and just try to relax🤗📚🌞☕💕

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