Sugar & Gold

Emma Scott

Received from Netgalley

OMG! Emma Scott has once again shredded my heart! I finished SUGAR & GOLD with tears in my eyes and a huge lump in my throat! SUGAR & GOLD took over my life for the day and it was the 4th of July! Needless to say, my husband was constantly yelling at me to stop reading! Obviously he has never read a Emma Scott novel because everyone knows once you start there is no way to stop. I devour her stories and everyone of them has crushed my heart and left me crying. SUGAR & GOLD does not disappoint. Emma Scott, you owe me a box of tissues! AGAIN!

Nikolai rides his motorcycle from town to town, never staying in one place for too long. He is a loaner and goes from poker game to poker game, winning every time he wants to. What he really wants though, is quiet which is something he can never achieve because he feels what is in people’s souls and hearts when ever he is near them. That is, until the night he meets Fiona. Fiona ran away from an abusive husband and is trying to save up enough money to find her happily ever after place in Costa Rica. Fiona and Nik are two lost souls, who find happiness in each other’s arms, but perfect doesn’t last forever does it? The things that happen to them once they are together are going to blow your mind and break your heart. That’s all I’m going to say except everyone needs to read SUGAR & GOLD to experience this beautiful story!

Once I started reading SUGAR & GOLD I discovered that there’s even more to this story than meets the eye. There’s an added layer to it that I absolutely loved but that I won’t mention because discovering it as you read is honestly the best. One of the things I love most about Emma Scott’s writing is how deeply she makes me care for her characters and how strongly she makes me feel for them. Deception and pain, love and loss, secrets and truths, hope and redemption—they all twist and tangle together creating another unforgettable novel from one of the freshest and most trusted voices in romance.





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