Good morning!  Its 69, going up to 89. Not sure what is going on today, but I know I will be watching NASCAR tonight as the race is in Daytona and it is the last race of the regular season! Dinner will be chicken leg quarters on the grill with broccoli and potato packets.🤗  Have an awesome Saturday my friends!💜


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11 thoughts on “GOOD MORNING!☕☕

  1. Good morning, Susan! Enjoy the Daytona 500. I will be doing some stretches throughout the day and giving my body a rest. My sciatic nerve is bothering me but finally getting better with doing stretches I found on YouTube.☕️😃.💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good morning Michelle! Sorry to hear about your sciatic nerve. My husband used to rub mine from top to bottom so I could walk without pain. Its awful and I hope its not too bad for you today. Enjoy your Saturday and feel better my friend!🤗🌞📚🍑☕💜

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  2. Good Morning, Susan. I slept well, but am tired after the last few days of helping Jess. They aren’t leaving until Monday now as their furniture won’t be there until later in the week. One more day to spend with them and Sherman. I am so behind in reading blogs right now. I may end up just moving forward and not reading the ones from this past week. Have a wonderful day and enjoy the race. Who are you rooting for? 💖📚🏎

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good morning Carla. You must be exhausted. I am rooting for Kyle Larson and Ross Chastain! Daytona 500 is always an intense race with lots of crashes. I need to get going on my Netgalley haul post. Its going to be huge!! Enjoy your day with your family and Sherman!☕🤗📚🌞💜

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    1. Wow you are early today Caro! Are you home now? How was vacay? We had grilled hot dogs last night with fries! Enjoy the rest of your Saturday and your hot dogs! Have a wonderful weekend!☕🌞🤗📚💜


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