Good morning! Today is the first day back to work for Brian after working from home for a few months. That’s why I’m late this morning!  I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay well!💜




happy Monday 2



For the ❤️ of coffee



13 thoughts on “GOOD MONDAY MORNING!

  1. Good morning, Susan☕🤗 We have a handyman coming today to do a few things. After three years of studying the Old Testament, I’m almost ready to study the New Testament✝🤗

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    1. Good morning g Michelle! How has your husband’s sight been lately? Is he getting any kind of help? I hope you have a wonderful day and good luck with the handyman!🤗☕🌻💜📚

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  2. Good Morning Susan. Are you going to feel lonely today? What will you do with yourself? I have to get ready for Grandma School tomorrow, so will be trying to finish up some reviews and posts as well as set up our classroom and download whatever her teachers send today. It will be busy. Have a wonderful day. 💖☕😀📚☕

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    1. Good morning Carla! I’m going to enjoy the peace and quiet!😂 Sounds lime you will be busy today getting ready for school! Do you know how long it will last? Have a wonderful day an I hope you get everything done you need to.🌞🌻☕🤗📚💕

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      1. I am guessing for as long as the stay at home order, which means 4 weeks, but only time will tell. I have downloaded what I need, now to get the classroom set up. 😀💻

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    1. Good morning Kim! Grocery shopping? I used to love going grocery shopping!😥Now you have to mask up, gloves on, walk only one way down the aisles…….I hate it!

      Have an awesome day and I hope you bring home some good stuff!🤗🌻🌞☕❤📚

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Good afternoon it is sunny out with a strong wind as a storm passes through. The fire alarm went off as they were the system. The caregiver today, one that was before and very good. I got the medicine for my eye, okay. Thanks for greeting me this morning. Enjoy your reading and be safe.

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    1. Good evening Betty! How was your day? So will this be your caregiver for now? Are you comfortable with them? I hope you had a restful day and didn’t stress too much. Have a lovely evening and happy reading!📚☕🌞🌻💜

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